Little women's purse
It often happens that the things that we buy as the most win-win accessory, which should serve us for many years and fit any outfit, play a cruel joke with us. I already wrote somewhere that black shoes and a black bag, in fact, do not adorn a single image. At worst, they kill him right away. In the best - nothing is added to it, so you have to continue to sort your wardrobe, in search of things that would enrich the chosen outfit. Because of this, the image can become overloaded, devoid of harmony. Bright, contrasting, shoes and purses work for you, create a relaxed image that does not need to be painfully "decorated" with a belt, handkerchief, massive necklace, or what else is unknown. Today we will talk about a small purse, which in our latitudes is very loved.
A neutral and very modest purse will decorate any of your outfits. It is able to balance the bold images of street-style stars. With an ordinary city wardrobe, such a purse will look both stylish and graceful.
— John Doe
Do not deny yourself a bright accessory! Let a few decide to wear a statement coat or a combination dress in a green coat. But an ironic, bright purse is something almost any wardrobe needs. One example is a YSL bag. All its difference from the same YSL, given as an example "as it should not," in the processing and figure. Bold ironic stars are much better than "win-win" smooth black skin.

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by Met
Sollicitudin tempor id eu nisl nunc. Nunc mattis enim ut tellus elementum. Aliquam ut porttitor leo a diam sollicitudin tempor id eu. But who has any right to find fault with a man who chooses to enjoy a pleasure that has no annoying consequences.
by Zemez
Sollicitudin tempor id eu nisl nunc. Nunc mattis enim ut tellus elementum. Aliquam ut porttitor leo a diam sollicitudin tempor id eu. But who has any right to find fault with a man who chooses to enjoy a pleasure that has no annoying consequences.